The lenguage of signs in the training of the professional of the area of applied human and social sciences
Professional Formation, Applied Human and Social Sciences, Pounds.Abstract
An important issue that has been discussed is the growing requirement to improve the training of professionals to work with people with special needs, as an essential condition for the adequate inclusion of these people in all areas of social life. Deafness is one of the special conditions that the professional in the field of Human Sciences and Applied Social Sciences can encounter in their practice, and it is known that the deaf person's communication is through Libras (Brazilian Sign Language). Therefore, it is relevant to research on how the training of these professionals is taking place in undergraduate courses and whether the contents related to deafness, specifically in relation to Libras, are developed. The purpose of this study was to analyze the curricular disciplines of three courses in these areas in order to identify these aspects. According to the objectives to which this work was proposed, the methodology of documentary research was used, with a mixed character, that is, both qualitative and quantitative. The results point out that most of the institutions studied do not include this discipline in their curricula, emphasizing the importance of higher education institutions conduct periodic evaluations of their pedagogical projects and formative structures, seeking to adapt their teaching focused on the current social needs, because the presence of people with special needs in all spheres of social life is a reality for which we cannot close our eyes.Downloads
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