Experience of people with disabilities in higher education: a look at the experience of empowerment and self-advocacy
People with disabilities, Higher education, Self-advocacy, Empowerment.Abstract
This article focuses on the experience of students with disabilities in higher education. The objective is to analyze how the insertion of people with disabilities at this level of education leads to the experience of empowerment and selfadvocacy and breaks with social isolation. The story illuminates that it is not today that the experiences of exclusion mark the life of the social group constituted by people with disabilities, which remains in a situation of intense social disadvantage. This research is part of the field of knowledge of Cultural Studies in Education, and adhered to the approach of qualitative research, in which the voices of students with disabilities of the Federal University of Paraíba were analyzed. The findings of this research reveal that insertion in higher education generates autonomy and participation; The university is an environment that creates opportunities for people with disabilities to interact with people without disabilities, generating a circle of friendships; The presence of students with disabilities in the university can also lead to the non-acceptance of them by the other colleagues, who can not understand the position of self-reports; The teaching practices are key elements to favor or not the process of empowering people with disabilities.Downloads
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