Inclusive education: a challenge of spirituality


  • Roque Strieder
  • Fabiana Herbert Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina - UnOESC



Inclusive education, Transdisciplinarity, Spirituality


Inclusive education requires recognizing every human being in its singularity. We seek the transdisciplinarity as a support because feeds it with the complexity and invites educators to create environments and contexts of dynamic and flexible learning. An education with spirituality allows us to understand the universe of relationships that emerge from the coexistence. Objective: To investigate whether and how educational experiences involving the dimension of spirituality, allow recognition of the interdependence between himself and the other to perform the acceptance of himself and the other. Qualitative, the research in theoretical frameworks, possible to reflect about the theme from different perspectives. As results: Transdisciplinarity triggers in the educational universe, formative experiences as inclusive cohabitation permeated by complementary actions; spirituality calls for educational processes based on relationships of tenderness and care. We conclude that: experiences of inclusive education, surrounded by tenderness are sowing of spiritual living and cultivate human interiority; spirituality as an educational foundation allows the unfolding vision of the uniqueness and diversity as a friend, where the  friendship has to do with the closeness in human love, in every human being.


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Author Biographies

Roque Strieder

Doutro em Educação.

Prof. do programa de mestrado em educação da Unoesc

Fabiana Herbert, Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina - UnOESC

Graduando em Pedagogia.

Bolsista do Programa PIBIC/CNPq



How to Cite

Strieder, R., & Herbert, F. (2017). Inclusive education: a challenge of spirituality. Special Education Magazine, 30(58), 405–424.