Inclusion in focus: a case a study about a deficient that have deafblindness in the regular education


  • Luiza Liene Bressan Centro Universitário Barriga Verde- Unibave Orleans-SC
  • Beatriz Schueroff Buss Unibave/Unesc
  • Alexandra Aline Lewcowicz Unibave



Inclusion, Multiple deficiency, Deafblindness


The present work approaches the following theme: Inclusion in focus: a study of in case on a deficient one that it possesses deafblindness in the regular teaching. When this theme is emphasized has is interested in the study on the inclusion of the people with deficiency. Like this, the research problem is to look for to know how it happens the process of a child's inclusion deaf-blinds in the regular teaching. For that we established as objectives of this study: to Understand the process of a child's inclusion deaf-blinds in the regular teaching; to do an abbreviation study of the historical path of the deficiency, verifying that it forms if he/she gives the inclusion process in the regular teaching; to study the concept of deaf-blindness, contemplating of the teaching process and a child's learning with special needs; to Identify the historical path of the deficiency, verifying that it forms if he/she gives the inclusion process in the regular teaching; to study the concept of deaf-blindness, contemplating of the teaching process and a child's learning with special needs; to appear through the research that it forms if gives the process of a deaf-blind student's teaching learning in school atmosphere; to show through worked activities the evolution of the deaf-blind student's process teaching learning without verbal communication until the moment in the school atmosphere where is inserted and to write through the accomplished studies them forms that it happens the inclusion process and the organization of the process of teaching learning for a child with deaf-blindness in the research atmosphere. The used method is the monographic and the research is of the applied type with case study. It was used as data collection instrument a questionnaire and the answers were analyzed, confronting the theoretical aspects of the inclusion and the school reality.


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Author Biographies

Luiza Liene Bressan, Centro Universitário Barriga Verde- Unibave Orleans-SC

Mestre em Ciências da Linguagem- Especialista em Gestão de Bibliotecas Escolares e Especialista em Língua Portuguesa.Professora de Língua Portuguesa e Inglesa por 30 anos na rede pública estadual de SC.

Há 20 anos atua no ensino superior do Unibave, em áreas ligadas ao ensino de língua e literatura. Também é membro e preside a academia orleanense de Letras- ACOL.

Beatriz Schueroff Buss, Unibave/Unesc

Licenciada em Pedagogia, mestranda em Educação Pela Unesc. Professora na rede municipal de ensino de Rio Fortuna-SC

Alexandra Aline Lewcowicz, Unibave

Mestre em Fonoaudiologia pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria -RS, Bacharel em Fonoaudiologia e professora do curso de Pedagogia do Unibave.



How to Cite

Bressan, L. L., Buss, B. S., & Lewcowicz, A. A. (2017). Inclusion in focus: a case a study about a deficient that have deafblindness in the regular education. Special Education Magazine, 32, e55/ 1–17.