The Schoolwide Enrichment Model: A Comprehensive Plan for the Development of Talents and Giftedness


  • Joseph Renzulli The National Research Center On The Gifted and Talented



Enrichment, Gifted, Total School Improvement.


Why are some children seen as gifted while others of identical ability are not? To find out why and what the consequences might be, in 1974 I began a study, in England, with 70 children labelled as gifted. Each one was matched for age, sex and socio-economic level with two comparison children in the same school class. The first comparison child had an identical gift, and the second taken at random. Investigation was by a battery of tests and deep questioning of pupils, teachers and parents in their schools and homes which went on for 35 years. A major significant difference was that those labelled gifted had significantly more emotional problems than either the unlabelled but identically gifted or the random controls. The vital aspects of success for the entire sample, whether gifted or not, have been hard work, emotional support and a positive personal outlook. But in general, the higher the individual’s intelligence the better their chances in life.


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Author Biography

Joseph Renzulli, The National Research Center On The Gifted and Talented

Diretor do The National Research Center On The Gifted and Talented



How to Cite

Renzulli, J. (2014). The Schoolwide Enrichment Model: A Comprehensive Plan for the Development of Talents and Giftedness. Special Education Magazine, 27(50), 539–562.



Dossier: High abilities/giftedness