The importance of collaborative supervision in professional development of teachers in special education


  • Ana Maria Paula Marques Gomes Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinett
  • Maria da Conceição Martins Vieira Agrupamento de Escolas de Gondomar



Collaborative practices, Professional development, Special education.


Current trends point to the supervision among peers, one democratic design of supervision that oversight the reflection and learning in collaboration, leading teachers to create and share activities and knowledge. We believe that the work of teachers as a team, focused on reflection, can promote a professional development adequate to individual needs and requirements of a career in which the teacher finds himself constantly confronted with new situations and challenges. The collaborative practices based on the exchange and sharing of experiences provide direct learning, increase the quantity and quality of solutions and ideas and the quality of the options performed. Thus, in the development of this research, of descriptive/interpretative nature and in a predominantly qualitative approach, we defined distinct and complementary objectives determined by the reflect about models and supervisory practices, verify collaborative practices in context of special education room, promote the use of Information and Communication Technologies (TIC) in collaborative work and identify constraining and facilitating factors in the practice of collaborative supervision in special education room . From the results obtained in this study it seems crucial to emphasize that in supervision practice there should be an open and true dialogue between peers. Is the supervisor responsibility as a member of the school with supervision functions, to convey the idea that the entire supervision process between peers is not evaluation, but instead a better understanding of the education act, providing more appropriate educational decision making.


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Author Biographies

Ana Maria Paula Marques Gomes, Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinett

Licenciada em Pedagogia/Educação Especial pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, pósgraduada em Psicomotricidade pelo Núcleo de Estudos e Observação em Psicomotricidade, do Departamento de Educação Especial e Reabilitação, da Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Máster en Logopèdia/Reabilitació dels Transtorns del Llenguage i de la Parla pela UPC - Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya e Doutorada em Ciências da Educação pela Universidad de Jaén (Espanha).

Maria da Conceição Martins Vieira, Agrupamento de Escolas de Gondomar

Coordenadora da àrea de Educação Especial no Agrupamento de Escolas de Gondomar e Mestre em Supervisão Pedagógica



How to Cite

Gomes, A. M. P. M., & Vieira, M. da C. M. (2015). The importance of collaborative supervision in professional development of teachers in special education. Special Education Magazine, 28(53), 751–764.