Criteria for the implementation of ecological corridors in fragmented areas in southern Brazil
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Cerrado, Mata Atlântica, Ecological corridors, Espinhaço Mountain Range, Landscape ecologyAbstract
The present study aims to analyze the potential of areas for the implementation of ecological corridors. The study area represents a transition between the Atlantic Forest and Cerrado domains and is extensively fragmented. Geographic Information System was used to determine suitable areas for the implementation of ecological corridors based on their ecological and structural potential, while multi-criteria classification was used to generate a final ecological map of the area. Weights and notes were assigned to vegetation class, river width, elevation and declivity in their respective maps, which were overlaid using ArcGis 10.3 software. Structural analysis of the area used the landscape metrics mean area, mean shape and total edge of fragments and mean connectivity among fragments in Fragstats software. The results indicated an ecologically and structurally suitable area for the implementation of ecological corridors in the study area.
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