Estimation of wood volume of <i>Eucalyptus dunnii</i> and <i>urograndis</i> of different ages using TM/Landsat 5i
DOI: chiave:
Optical remote sensing, Spectral bands, Vegetation indices, Predictive modelsAbstract
The aim of this study was the generation of trade volume models with bark (VB) in Eucalyptus dunnii and urograndis stands at different growth site conditions, using reflectance data from different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum and vegetation indices. The multiple linear regressions generated, resulting in three predictive models, being the most significant ones, in decreasing order were for the species of Eucalyptus dunnii and Eucalyptus urograndis of 50 and 59 months of age, respectively, followed by the model for 25-month old Eucalyptus urograndis. Although, the regression equation for 34-month old Eucalyptus dunnii was not significant. The vegetation index adjusted to the soil (SAVI 0.5) was relevant in the construction of the three models dueto the different degrees of contribution of the soil component, as a result the non-closure of the crowns in young stands at different ages. The short wave-infrared region (SWIR 1 – TM5) also composed the models of Eucalyptus dunnii and Eucalyptus urograndis, analyzed together and the predictive model for Eucalyptus dunnii, demonstrating the importance of the forest canopy structure because this region of the electromagnetic spectrum is related to increased lignin content and because of the evolution of its productive capacity.
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