
  • Teresa Aparecida Soares de Freitas UFSM
  • Deborah Guerra Barroso
  • Leonardo Silva Souza
  • José Geraldo de Araújo Carneiro




root system, Eucalyptus camaldulensis, block system


The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of the roots prunings of Eucalyptus camaldulensis seedlings produced in blocks. In the nursery, three treatments were tested (T1: without roots pruning; T2: one roots pruning; T3: two roots pruning), in Completely Randomized Design, with nine replicates (96 seedlings for replicate). Portion of those seedlings was taken for the field for evaluation of the pruning roots effect after the planting in the field. The substrate used for production of seedlings was the mixture of forest plantimax (60%) and fiber of the coconut (40%), 8g of osmocote were added (19-06-10) per kilo of the substrate. The prunings of the roots in the nursery were accomplished to the 80 and 90 days after sowing, with sharp sheet. The seedlings were evaluated 100 days after the sowing, for height, stem diameter, shoot dry matter, length and diameter roots. In the field the seedlings were evaluated as the height and diameter to the 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 months after planting. In the nursery, there was no difference in the shoot height and diameter of the seedlings among the treatments, but the seedlings which did not receive any root pruning (T1) presented smaller production of shoot dry matter, acted by the leaves. When two prunings were applied during the production cycle, the seedlings presented larger length and diameter roots. There was not nay difference in the growth of the seedlings after planting in the field; however, the climatic condition in the implantation and conduction of experiment, besides the favorable site to the development of the seedlings might have contributed to that result, being necessary the conduction again experiment, to evaluate the effect of the prunings, in seedlings planted in adverse conditions.


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How to Cite

Freitas, T. A. S. de, Barroso, D. G., Souza, L. S., & Carneiro, J. G. de A. (2009). EFFECT OF THE ROOTS PRUNING IN THE GROWTH OF THE EUCALYPTUS SEEDLINGS. Ciência Florestal, 19(1), 1–6. https://doi.org/10.5902/19805098414




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