
  • Cristiane Weber
  • Setsuo Iwakiri




particleboard, MDF, plywood, waste of panels.



This study aimed to evaluate the potential use of plywood, MDF and MDP to manufacture particleboards. The resin urea formaldehyde (UF) was used in the production of the panels in proportions of 6% and 10% based on dry weight of wood particles, along with 2% of catalyst, and 1% of paraffin. The experiment comprised 10 treatments with three replicates each, totaling 30 panels. The panels were manufactured with residues in the proportions of 100%, 50-50% and 33-33-33%. The panels were subjected to the following tests of physical and mechanical properties: board density, water absorption and thickness swelling - 24 hours, static bending, screw withdraw strength (surface and top) and tension perpendicular to surface (internal bond).The results were evaluated according to the requirements of EN and ABNT standards. The general evaluation of the results of physical and mechanical properties of the panels showed the technical feasibility of the use of residues of MDF, MDP and plywood and their mixtures for particleboard manufacture. The possibility of the use of these residues contributes in terms of economical and environmental issues.


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How to Cite

Weber, C., & Iwakiri, S. (2015). UTILIZATION OF WASTE OF PLYWOOD, MDF AND MDP FOR THE PRODUCTION OF PARTICLEBOARDS. Ciência Florestal, 25(2), 405–413. https://doi.org/10.5902/1980509818460




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