extender, babaçu flour, plywood, Araucaria angustifolia.Abstract
This work aims at evaluating the potentiality of babaçu flour under differents percents (0%, 50%, 75%, and 100%) as alternative extensers to wheatmeal for plywood manufacturing. Third three panels with five veneers were produced using Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.) Ktze, with urea-formaldehyde – UF and phenol-formaldehyde – FF resins and being three panels per treatment. The following formulations (in parts per wheight) were used: UF resin – 100 x extender – 50 x water – 50 x catalyst – 7 and FF resin – 100 x extender – 18 x water – 22. The results of both glue line shear strength obtained for plywood manufactured with urea-formaldehyde and phenol-formaldehyde resins showed the feasibility of the use of babaçu flour as the extender in parcial or total substitution of wheat flour in the plywood manufactures.
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