Biomass of <i>Dendrocalamus giganteus</i> as bioenergetic resource
Bioenergy, Thermochemical conversion, Charcoal, Combustion, CO2 neutralAbstract
Seeking sustainable alternatives to diversify the energy matrix has become a goal to be achieved by all nations. Bambo biomass can be one of these alternatives because it is a CO2-neutral energy source with the possibility of use as a fuel in solid, liquid or gaseous form. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of age of 12 and 7 years on the chemical and energetic properties of Dendrocalamus giganteus stems. For this, the contents of total extractives, lignin, volatile materials, ash and fixed carbon were determined, in addition to the basic density, higher calorific value and energy density of the stems. Evaluations of gravimetric yield of charcoal and pirolenhoso liquor produced from the carbonization of the material were also performed. Bamboos aged 7 and 12 years showed good chemical properties for energy purposes. The values of lignin content, volatile materials, fixed carbon and ash were similar between ages. However, the net calorific value, energy density, gravimetric yield of charcoal and pyroligneous acid expanded/rose with increasing age, and the highest values were found in 12-year-old colm. The species Dendrocalamus giganteus presented physical-chemical and energetic properties and they meet the expected quality criteria for the use of this biomass to generate thermal energy.
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