
  • Catize Brandelero UFSM
  • Elias Fernando Berra
  • Kátia Simone Backes
  • Rudiney Soares Pereira
  • Eleandro Jose Brun




isolated leaves, spectral behavior, reflectance



Reflectance readings in border and inner tree leaves in a Eucalyptus grandis stand, in São Pedro das Missões, Rio Grande do Sul state, were analyzed in the regions of the visible electromagnetic spectrum and the nearby infrared, by using spectrum radiometry. The area was divided in two parts: border and center stands. In order to collect the material, the crown was divided in three parts (superior, medium and inferior), so that it would be possible to differentiate the positions of leaf collections in each area. Three trees were sampled in each area, adding up to six trees, for each tree, 60 isolated leaves were collected, 20 in each position. The reflectance readings were carried out through FieldSpec®3 spectrum radiometer and the final results were segmented in the visible and nearby infrared spectral bands. The statistical analysis was made on the basis of several tests, among them Tukey HSD test, in order to compare the averages of the visible region, which, according to ANOVA, present significant differences. It is concluded that the collecting indicating class of leaves for the spectrum radiometric analysis in the visible region are preferably the 5 one (tree in the center, reading in the medium part) and #3 one (border tree, reading superior part).


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How to Cite

Brandelero, C., Berra, E. F., Backes, K. S., Pereira, R. S., & Brun, E. J. (2012). SPECTRORADIOMETRY IN THE VISIBLE AND NEAR INFRARED REGION ON A STAND OF Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex-Maiden. Ciência Florestal, 22(1), 215–222. https://doi.org/10.5902/198050985093



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