
  • Edison Bisognin Cantarelli UFSM
  • Ervandil Corrêa Costa
  • Raul Pezzutti
  • Leonardo da Silva Oliveira




Hymenoptera, forestation, artificial deneedling


In this study, the main purpose was to quantify the diameter, height and productivity index losses in initial development in Pinus taeda seedlings in stands in Argentine, after leaf cutting ants attack. The treatments were: T1 = control without attack; T2 = attacked by ants; and T3 = sequential artificial deneedling. The three development stages of the plants in two distinct slopes were also evaluated. The results allow concluding that there is a significant reduction in Pinus taeda development when attacked by leaf cutting ants during the first 24 months. In the artificially deneedled plants, there was a significant reduction related to the ones deneedled by the ants, for all the analyzed variables.


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How to Cite

Cantarelli, E. B., Costa, E. C., Pezzutti, R., & Oliveira, L. da S. (2008). LOSSES QUANTIFICATION IN Pinus taeda DEVELOPMENT AFTER LEAF CUTTING ANTS ATTACK. Ciência Florestal, 18(1), 39–45. https://doi.org/10.5902/19805098509




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