
  • Benjamin Leonardo Alves White
  • Adauto de Souza Ribeiro
  • Larissa Alves Secundo White
  • Genésio Tâmara Ribeiro



forest fire, fire behavior, conservation units.


The National Park ‘Serra de Itabaiana’, as well as other conservation units in Brazil, has commonly suffered ecological losses caused by the wildfires. It is essential to comprehend the characteristics of the fuel to a better understanding of a forest fire behavior and how to extinguish it. In order to do so, 108 plots of 1m2 were delimitated and all of the surface fuel was collected and weighed. The samples were then removed and placed in an oven to determine the moisture content and the dry weight. It was collected, in the study area, a total of 91.38 kg of dry biomass, corresponding to 8.46t/ha. Considering each vegetation type, the Grass Fields had an average of 3.7t/ha of fuel load, the Forests 12.5t/ha and the White Sands 9.18t/ha. The results suggest that the fuel in white sand areas can ignite more easily; there is greater difficulty of fire ignition in forest areas; and short-lived fires in grass fields.


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How to Cite

White, B. L. A., Ribeiro, A. de S., White, L. A. S., & Ribeiro, G. T. (2014). CHARACTERIZATION OF THE UNDERSTORY FUEL IN ‘SERRA DE ITABAIANA’ NATIONAL PARK – SERGIPE STATE, BRAZIL. Ciência Florestal, 24(3), 699–706.



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