MICROPROPAGATION OF CAIXETA Didymopanax morototoni (Aubl.) Dcne. et Planch.


  • Nilton César Mantovani UFSM
  • Elci Terezinha Henz Franco
  • Miguel P. Guerra
  • Juarez Martins Hoppe




Didymopanax morototoni, micropropagation, Plant tissue culture.


This study was carried out aiming to study the in vitro regeneration of caixeta (Didymopanax morototoni (Aubl.) Dcne. et Planch.). In order to establish a basic micropropagation protocol axillary buds and nodal segments were desinfested with sodium hipochlorite 10 % and innoculated in two basal media: WPM (Lloyd & McCown, 1981) and MS (Murashige & Skoog, 1962) supplemented with BAP, TDZ, NAA, GA3, IBA and activated charcoal in defferent combinations and concentrations for each developmental step. The desinfestation method based on sodium hipochlorite during 10 minutes allowed the best results for the establishment of aseptic cultures in nodal segments. With these explants the regeneration rate and the shoot elongation were higher in the WPM medium containing 1,0 mg.l-1 BAP. However after three subcultures it was observed a reduction in the regeneration rate. The  rooting   of  regenerated  shoots  was  observed  in  a   WPM medium supplemented with 1,0 mg.l-1 IBA. The acclimatization process allowed  the plantlet survival in ex vitro conditions.


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How to Cite

Mantovani, N. C., Franco, E. T. H., Guerra, M. P., & Hoppe, J. M. (1999). MICROPROPAGATION OF CAIXETA Didymopanax morototoni (Aubl.) Dcne. et Planch. Ciência Florestal, 9(1), 47–61. https://doi.org/10.5902/19805098365




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