Propagation of jambolan tree [<i>Syzygium cumini</i> (L.) Skeels] by air layering




Rooting, IBA, Seasons of the year


Jambolan tree is usually propagated by seeds, which is a non-viable method due to problems of genetic segregation and the long period that the plants take to reach their reproductive ages. Thus, the development of the protocol for the vegetative propagation of this species through air layering becomes an important alternative to be tested. The objective of this work was to analyze the use of cotton, season of air layering, auxin concentration and type of packaging for propagation of jambolan tree [Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels]. For that, the randomized block design was used, a factorial scheme 4 x 3 x 3 x 2 (time of year x concentration of IBA x type of coating x presence or absence of cotton), with three replication with five air layered. The percentage of callus by branches, the number and average length of the three largest roots (cm) and the rooting percentage, were measured 180 days after the implantation of the experiment. It was verified that the season of the year had a significant influence on the rooting of the air layered, with the highest averages in autumn and winter (33.22% and 31.34%, respectively). The air layering in jambolan tree must be done applying 4000 mg L-1 with use of the cotton and aluminum foil like coating in the seasons of autumn and winter.


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How to Cite

Silva, M. da, Wagner Júnior, A., Castro, J. D. de, Bressan, D., & Moura, G. C. de. (2019). Propagation of jambolan tree [<i>Syzygium cumini</i> (L.) Skeels] by air layering. Ciência Florestal, 29(3), 1296–1306.




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