
  • Maria Cristina Bueno Coelho UFSM
  • César Augusto Guimarães Finger



Growth, height, Pinus elliottii, regeneration


This work was aimed at quantifying the height growth of Pinus elliotti Engelm in the region of Canela- RS, comparing the growth of trees originated from natural regeneration and plants produced from artificial regeneration, and describing the height growth of the species ecording to the origin of the plants by means of mathemations. The work was ecomplished at Agropecuária Fazenda do Ipê, situated in Canela, RS, between the coordinates 29º 18’ southern latitude and 50º 53’ western longitude, where dominates a Cfb1-type climate. The eight and age data pairs were obtained through the complete trunk analysis, being the sample-trees of each treatment taken between the average and the ± pattern. 10 trees for the plastic bag recipient treatment, 9 for the natural regeneration one, and 11 for the bare rooted one were sampled. Throughout statistical analysis, it could be concluded that a second-degree polynomial described whith more precision the growth of 5-year-old trees, originated from plants produced in plastic bag recipiet, bare root and natural regeneration. The comparison among the treatments, made by covariance analysis, showed that the natural regeneration has a greater initial growth. It was 21.85% greater than that one of trees originated by plants produced in plastic bag recipient and 45.62% greater than that one bate rooted.


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How to Cite

Coelho, M. C. B., & Finger, C. A. G. (1997). GROWTH HEIGTH FOR Pinus elliotti ENGELM ORIGINATED FROM DIFFERENT REGENERATION METHOS IN CANELA, RS. Ciência Florestal, 7(1), 139–158.




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