quality panel, non-destructive analysis, density profile.Abstract
This study aimed to determine the apparent density, by gravimetric technique and X-ray microdensitometry of particleboard produced with Acacia mangium wood and search existence of correlation between both methods. It was used urea formaldehyde adhesive and commercial tannin Acacia mearnsii applied in powder form directly to the previously glued particles. The panels manufactured using four compression ratios (1.39, 1.55, 1.73, and 2.00) combined four levels of powdered tannin (0, 10, 20 and 30%), making up 16 treatments (4 panels by treatment). The particleboard apparent density parameters (mean, maximum and minimum) and gravimetric density were determined, analyzed and compared. The density profile presented graphically and interpreted by analysis of variance and multiple linear regression. The apparent density, medium, maximum and minimum for particleboard obtained by microdensitometry X-ray ranged 357-697 kg/m3, 386-824 kg/m3, and 334-634 kg/m3, respectively, and gravimetric method 369-742 kg/m3. The technique was effective in determining variations in the density profile in the thickness of the particleboards in all treatments, as well as direct obtain the apparent density. These variations could be reduced if the tannin used was previously hydrated in water. Was found strong correlation (R2 = 0.99) between the mean apparent density obtained by X-ray microdensitometer and gravimetric method.
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