Seedling productions of <i>Senegalia bahiensis</i> Benth. in different volumes of tubes
Espinheiro-branco, Containers, Production cycleAbstract
Along with the objective define which best volume of tubes and length of stay of seedlings Senegalia bahiensis in the nursery, two experiments in Completely Randomized Design were installed. In the first experiment, the seedlings were produced in three volumes of tubes (tubetes) (55, 180 and 280 cm³), constituting the treatments, four replications and 49 seedlings per repetition. In the second experiment a field simulation was performed using two seedlings per replication, totaling 24 seedlings. The variables analyzed were: height, diameter, shoot dry weight, dry weight of roots, number of leaves, average daily increment in height and average daily increase in diameter. The seedlings produced in lower volume container (55cm³) had the lowest means for all variables in the seedling stage and in the field of simulation. Based on the results obtained in the experiments, it is concluded that for the Senegalia bahiensis species, once its seedling production has similar quality when using tubes of 180 and 280 cm³, it is recommended to use the 180 cm³ tube, which, besides reducing the production cycle by at least 33 days, reduces the use of inputs, in the conditions under which the experiments were conducted.
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