
  • Carlos André Stuepp
  • Juliany de Bitencourt
  • Ivar Wendling
  • Henrique Soares Koehler
  • Katia Christina Zuffellato-Ribas




benzyl-amino-purine (BAP), Ilex paraguariensis, rejuvenation, vegetative rescue.


‘Erva-mate’ (Ilex paraguariensis) is a tree species, native to South America, widely consumed as an infusion. The recovery pruning is used in debilitated plants to return their vegetative vigor. The girdling is widely used in fruits crops, but can also be used to increase sprouting in other species. The present work aimed verify the influence of girdling combined with different concentrations of benzyl-amino-purine (BAP) and different pruning heights, in shoots emission from 17 and 80 years old trees, during winter/2006 summer/2007. Girdling was performed with a chainsaw at 30 cm height and received a plant regulator BAP treatment, applied with vaseline, with 0, 150 and 300 mg Kg-1 concentrations. Coppicing was also made with chainsaw, at 15, 30 and 60 cm heights from the ground. After six and twelve months from the installation, the following variables were evaluated: percentage of sprouting trees, number of shoots per tree (or stump), length and diameter of the shoots. Results showed that ‘erva-mate’ tree has good sprouting capability, with the two techniques used. The efficiency to new shoots emission in girdling was influenced by the age of the mature tree and by the season of the year. The best results were obtained during winter for 17 year-old trees, reaching a sprouting percentage of 95.84%. For coppicing technique, the time of installation did not have influence on the sprouting percentage, but the age of mature trees and height of the stumps were significant for this variable. The best results were obtained for 17 year-old trees and 60 cm high stumps.


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How to Cite

Stuepp, C. A., Bitencourt, J. de, Wendling, I., Koehler, H. S., & Zuffellato-Ribas, K. C. (2016). EPICORMIC SHOOT INDUCTION THROUGH GIRDLING AND COPPICING IN ‘ERVA-MATE’ TREES. Ciência Florestal, 26(3), 1009–1022. https://doi.org/10.5902/1980509824230



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