APPLICATION TYPE AND AIB minicuttings IN SEEDLING PRODUCTION OF <i>Handroanthus heptaphyllus</i> Mattos
minicuttings, ipê-roxo, vegetative propagationAbstract
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of type of cuttings and the need for application of IBA on rooting and quality of the seedlings formed Handroanthus heptaphyllus. The apical and intermediate cuttings were obtained in multiclonal minigarden formed from seeds. The cuttings were prepared with 5 cm length, a pair of leaves reduced to 50% of leaf area without staked and IBA at a concentration of 8000 mg L-1. Evaluations were performed at 30 days, the expedition rooting sector and at 120 days, when the change was in formed. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design in a factorial 3 x 2 x 2 (three sampling times, two concentrations of IBA and two positions of propagules), with four replications, with 12 cuttings per replicate. According to the results, the IBA was not necessary for the rooting of the shoots, however, their use promotes an increase in the number and length of roots. The intermediate cuttings showed higher dry mass of roots at 30 days after striking, and at 120 days, more leaves and roots. The collection time influenced the final quality of the seedlings. Those produced in the last collection (eighth) had lower mean scores in biometric characteristics, except for the length and number of roots of the first order.
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