Technical aspects of wood pellet production




Biomass market, Biofuels, Torrefaction


The evolution of the energy policy of developed countries, coupled with the demand for renewable sources such as forest biomass, has boosted the growth of wood pellets throughout the world since the early 2000s. The pellet market has become a demanding quality brand and must deal with competition from other energy sources, requiring producers to a strict control of costs as well as good technical expertise of production. Thus, a literature review was carried out on the technical aspects of pellet production and the possibilities and requirements of the market so that Brazil could seize opportunities and enhance its forest potential.


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Author Biographies

Laurent Roger Marie Quéno, Pesquisador Autônomo, Anápolis, GO

Diplomado do IHEDREA - Paris - França

M.Sc e Dr. pelo Departamento de Engenharia Florestal da UnB.

Trabalhos sobre Economia da Biomassa Florestal

Álvaro Nogueira de Souza, Universidade de Brasília - UnB, Brasília, DF

Prof. Dr. de Economia Florestal no departamento de Engenharia Florestal da Universidade de Brasília

Alexandre Florian da Costa, Universidade de Brasília - UnB, Brasília, DF

Prof. Dr. de Tecnologia da Madeira no departamento de Engenharia Florestal da Universidade de Brasília

Ailton Teixeira do Valle, Universidade de Brasília - UnB, Brasília, DF

Prof. Dr. de Tecnologia da Madeira no departamento de Engenharia Florestal da Universidade de Brasília

Maísa Santos Joaquim, Universidade de Brasília - UnB, Brasília, DF

Profa. Dra. do curso de Gestão de Agronegócio da Universidade de Brasília


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How to Cite

Quéno, L. R. M., Souza, Álvaro N. de, Costa, A. F. da, Valle, A. T. do, & Joaquim, M. S. (2019). Technical aspects of wood pellet production. Ciência Florestal, 29(3), 1478–1489.



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