
  • Maristela Rosália Anastácio UFSM
  • Denise Garcia de Santana
  • Roberta Camargos de Oliveira
  • Marcela Mayumi Babata
  • Carlos Alberto Alves de Oliveira



permeability, empty seeds, pre-germination treatments.


The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of the maturation stage of the fruit on the physical characteristics and germination of Schefflera morototoni pyrenes submitted to pre-germination treatments. Fruits with green and purplish green coloration were collected from 14 accesses, pulped in running water, discarding the hollow pyrenes, after counting, together with retracted and oxidized endosperm, and using the uniform pyrenes (with greenish endosperm occupying the whole cavity of the pyrene). The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design in a 2 x 5 factorial scheme (stages of fruit maturation and pre-germination treatments), with four repetitions in parcels containing 25 pyrenes. For greater capacity and germination speed of the pyrenes, fruits should be harvested when they present a purplish green coloration, while discarding those with hollow pyrenes, with retracted or oxidized endosperm. The germination capacity of the pyrenes with uniform endosperm varied between 50 and 60%, with the beginning of the process at about 40 days after planting and continuing for up to 60 days in vermiculite. Pulped pyrenes, dried and soaked in water at 60ºC for 5 minutes, followed by soaking in water at room temperature for 12 hours began the germination process in less time, in relation to those pulped, dried, scarified and soaked for 6 hours. The fruit endocarp is permeable and rigid; however, it presents a natural opening when soaked.


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How to Cite

Anastácio, M. R., Santana, D. G. de, Oliveira, R. C. de, Babata, M. M., & Oliveira, C. A. A. de. (2010). MATURATION AND PHYSICAL QUALITY OF FRUITS IN THE GERMINATION OF Schefflera morototoni (ARALIACEAE) PYRENES. Ciência Florestal, 20(3), 429–437.


