
  • Silvana Lucia Caldato UFSM
  • Raúl Vicente Pezzutti




size structure, spatial distribution, species conservation


In order to describe the population structure of Myrocarpus frondosus Allemão, the structure of size class and the spatial distribution of the individual species was studied, in a riparian area of the Paranaense Forest in Misiones, Argentina, at 27º39'00" S and 55º44'30" W. The species was studied in circular plots. All the individuals of Myrocarpus frondosus with diameter greater or equal to 10 cm (at 1.3 m height - DBH) were considered for the tree stage, and all seedlings with diameter ranging from 2 cm to 9.9 cm were considered for natural regeneration. Three hundred and ninety six individuals were found (431 ind. ha-1), with 180 individuals in the tree stage and 216 individuals in the natural regeneration stage.  The results show that the diameter size of the population varied from 2 cm to 50 cm with reverse J distribution, representing a substantial recruitment in the younger age classes. The species presented a clustered pattern of spatial distribution.


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How to Cite

Caldato, S. L., & Pezzutti, R. V. (2010). POPULATION STRUCTURE OF Myrocarpus frondosus Allemão IN A RIPARIAN AREA OF THE PARANAENSE FOREST IN MISIONES, ARGENTINA. Ciência Florestal, 20(3), 411–418. https://doi.org/10.5902/198050982056




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