landscape components, geoprocessing, temporal variation.Abstract
The characterization of landscape components and their relationships for the Forestry Experimental Station of Santa Maria,Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil, and the monitoring of soil-landscape temporal variation between the years 1987 and 2009 (22 years) were performed by means of field surveys and digital mapping vegetation, soil and topography. Crossed the historical information of use and occupation of transects conducted in 2009, the digital terrain model, maps of land cover for 1987 and 2009 and soil, thus deriving a transitory component landscape, between the plateau border Southern and Central Depression of Rio Grande do Sul state, with a distortion of the natural vegetation types and conflicts of land use, as well as the influence of topography and soil genesis on the vegetation development. There was expansion in 22 years of Eucalyptus and Pinus crops and the natural forest on the anthropic field, especially in areas with Argissolos Bruno-Acinzentados and Argissolos Vermelhos.
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