
  • Carlos Alberto Vargas
  • Marilzete Basso do Nascimento
  • Silvana Nisgoski
  • Graciela Inés Bolzon de Muñiz



wicker, physical and mechanical properties, standard.


Different species of wicker (Salix spp.), planted in region of Canoas river valley (Serra Catarinense), have application in handicraft. The research of their physical and mechanical properties takes into account the processing and handling to manufacturing, as the density of the relevant species, the bending of the rods and traction of tapes. In this paper considerations are made about the use of NBR 7190/1997 with a view to carry out physical and mechanical tests in wicker, evaluating adjustments made in the equations indicated by the normative document, in the preparation of specimens and also in the testing machine accessories. Dimensional aspects of the test samples to the bulk density (12% moisture) were reconsidered, obtained by the stereometric and by displacement of mercury methods. Because of dimensional differences of the material used in handicraft, the analysis of each test were made separately, evaluating rods for the bend study and the material transformed in tapes for the tension test, being direct with little transformation in cutlass and nipper. The equations were adapted to minimize the influence of inertia moment on transversal section were adapted, in the bend case. For wicker properties analysis, the adaption of wood standard is suitable.


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How to Cite

Vargas, C. A., Nascimento, M. B. do, Nisgoski, S., & Muñiz, G. I. B. de. (2015). ADAPTATION OF NBR 7190 FOR EVALUATING WICKER PROPERTIES FOR HANDICRAFT. Ciência Florestal, 25(1), 249–255.



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