calcareous forest, forest seeds, native species.Abstract
Jatobá-Mirim species belongs to Fabaceae family and is distributed through Pantanal and Caatinga areas.Its wood is suitable for the construction and the manufacture of luxury furniture and is recommendedfor urban forestry and used to compose heterogeneous reforestation. Taking into account their potentialuse this work was developed with the objective of evaluating the effect of different temperatures on thegermination rate and initial root growth of Jatobá-Mirim seeds. The seeds used in this experiment wereharvested at ‘Cabeceira do Prata’ farm, located in ‘Jardim’ municipality, in Mato Grosso do Sul state, inSeptember 2009. The material collected was transported to the Laboratory of Research on Bio-diversityand Environmental Systems at Anhanguera-Uniderp University where the research was developed. Theseeds were submitted to constant temperatures of 20, 25, 30, 35 °C and alternated temperatures of 20-30 and 25-35 °C, in six treatments, kept in germination cameras of B.O.D type. The obtained results showthat the best temperatures for the seed germination are 30 oC (90%), 35 °C (97%) and 25-35 °C (90%),statistically equal, certifying that those temperatures are more efficient to promote the germination. Takinginto account the mean time for germination, germination speed index and dry matter production, constanttemperatures of 30 and 35oC are better and its results, statistically equal and higher than other treatmentsDownloads
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