The relation between natural vegetation and climatic availability in Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil
Phytogeography, Forest, Field, ClimateAbstract
The climate of the state of Rio Grande do Sul (RS) is humid temperate, conditions of natural vegetation of the kind called temperate or deciduous forest. However, in approximately 46.6% of its area the vegetation is country. Thus, in this study, we tried to corroborate in order to better understand the relationships between climatic conditions and the natural vegetation of RS state. To do so, the natural vegetation of RS was related to the climatic availability. Twelve phytoclimatic models and three climatic classifcations were used. For the calculation of the models and the classifcation in the climatic classifcations, the averages of the monthly and annual totals of the rainfall and potential evapotranspiration were used, the means, average of the maximum and average of the monthly and annual minimum of the air temperatures and the monthly averages and of the soil water defciencies and excesses of 41 meteorological stations, period 1931-1960, and also the monthly averages of the global solar radiation of 25 meteorological stations, period 1957-1984. From the results obtained for all the meteorological stations used, the climatic availabilities of the state are characteristics of natural vegetation formation of the forest type. Thus, considering that about 46.3% of the state’s natural vegetation is of the country type, it is concluded that other factors, in addition to the climate, interfere and/or have interfered in the formation of vegetation in Rio Grande do Sul state.Downloads
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