
  • Wander Gladson Amaral Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS
  • Israel Marinho Pereira
  • Cristiany Silva Amaral
  • Evandro Luiz Mendonça Machado
  • Luiz David Oliveira Rabelo




dynamics, forest structure, recuperation of degraded areas, mining.



The main goal was to understand the dynamic process of vegetation colonizing an area degraded by theextraction of gold. The study area was stratified into three environments and, in each environment, contiguousten plots of 100m ² each were allocated. For the realization of the dynamics, two surveys of shrub-tree withlevel of inclusion (DAS30 > 3 cm) were carried out. The first one was realized in 2008 and second in 2010.In 2010, the new individuals that met the criterion for inclusion (recruits) were marked and measured, the dead registered and the survivors were measured again. The rates of mortality, recruitment, gain andloss in basal area of each environment were calculated and it became evident the importance of dynamicsas a tool to help understand the relationships of ecological succession of species. The Shannon diversityindex among the three environments were compared by t-test of Hutcheson and it was used the analysis ofindicator species to determine species preferences of each of the three pre-determined environments.Thetotal number of individuals passed of 707 to 909 in two years of interval, reinforcing the importance ofnatural regeneration processes of ecological succession. The environment II remained the most abundantone despite it presented a high mortality rate, which can be explained by the high rate of recruitment. Thespecies Eremanthus incanus, Trembleya laniflora, Trembleya parviflora, Roupala montana, Coccolobabrasiliensis and Tibouchina candoleana, presented higher importance of value in the two surveys, showingsuperiority in the colonization of the area degraded by the extraction of gold and could be indicated inprograms for the recuperation of degraded areas that are in similar conditions in the region of Diamantinamunicipality.


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How to Cite

Amaral, W. G., Pereira, I. M., Amaral, C. S., Machado, E. L. M., & Rabelo, L. D. O. (2013). DYNAMICS OF THE SHRUB AND TREE VEGETATION COLONIZING AN AREA DEGRADED BY GOLD MINED IN DIAMANTINA, MINAS GERAIS STATE. Ciência Florestal, 23(4), 713–725. https://doi.org/10.5902/1980509812355




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