Statistical analysis for genotype stability and adaptability in maize yield based on environment and genotype interaction models
AMMI analysis, GGE biplot, Cultivar recommendationsResumo
Current analysis investigates genotype x environment interaction and stability performance of grain yield with nine maize genotypes in seven environments. ANOVA revealed highly significant (p-value<0.001) data for genotypes, environments and their interactions. Only PC1 (45.4%) and PC2 (35%) were significant (p ≤ 0.05). Genotype G7 had a specific adaptation to environment E7, whereas genotypes G2 and G3 were adapted to environment E1, and genotypes G8 and G9 to environment E5. Dataset was divided into group A, composed of E5 and E7, and group B composed of E1, E2, E3 and E6. Genotypes G1, G2, G3 and G6, belonging to group B, were the most productive. Further, no environment fell into the G4, G5, G7, G8 and G9 sectors, denoting these genotypes as the poorest ones across environments. GGE biplot indicated that genotype G4 was highly unstable, whereas G3 very stable. In addition, G2 was more desirable due to its small contribution to both G and GE. On the other hand, G4 and G9 were more undesirable due to large contribution to either G or GE. Finally, genotypes G2 and G9 were very different. Their dissimilarity may be due to difference in mean yield and/or in GEI.
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