Alert flooding flow, Rio Doce, Logit, watershed, Flooding.Abstract
This research aimed to evaluate the impacts of maximum rainfall in watershed of the Rio Doce in the probability of flooding alertflow in the municipality of Colatina, ES, Brazil, using Logit model. To this, it were considered the rainfall stations of the locations
of Aimorés, Tumiritinga, Conselheiro Pena and Resplendor in the Minas Gerais state and Baixo Guandu, Itaguaçu, Itarana and
Colatina in the state of Espírito Santo, beyond fluviometric station in Colatina municipality, during the period from 01/01/1986
to 31/12/2014. The results of the logistic regression model shown significant impacts of the maximums rainfall in Tumiritinga,
Aimorés, Baixo Guandu and Colatina in the probability of occurrence of episodes of flood warning in Colatina, ES. Moreover, it
was observed that in periods with higher volumes of rain (spring and summer), the chance of occurrence of a warning flow event
in Colatina increased significantly. Lastly, it is hoped that this article can support actions aimed at flood control.
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