Temporal Trends and Statistical Analysis of PM10 and TSP Concentrations in the Region of Grande Vitória from 2008 to 2017
Comparison Tests, Time Series, Air Pollution, Region of Grande Vitória, StatisticsAbstract
This study aimed to statistically evaluate the PM10 and TSP time series data in the RGV, between 2008 and 2017, verifying whether the series of each pollutant are generated by the same stochastic process. For that, the tests proposed by Coates and Diggle (1986), by Quenouille (1958) and the series difference procedure developed by Silva, Ferreira and Sáfadi (2000) were used. PM10 time series for Laranjeiras (E1), Carapina (E2), Jardim Camburi (E3), Enseada do Suá (E4), Vitória (E5), IBES (E6) and Cariacica (E8) stations were compared two by two, and for TPS time series of stations E3, E4, E5, E6 and E8 the same was done. Results indicate that, for a 5% significance level, stations E2, E3, E4, E5 and E6 for PM10 and, E3, E4, E5 and E6, for the TSP, present time series generated by the same stochastic process. Therefore, is considered that, the results obtained are indicative of the need to reformulation the initial RAMQAr project, which, if added to a pollutant dispersion study, can guarantee the network coverage area expansion, with emphasis in the existing stations re-spatialization, aiming to improve their data representativeness and installation of new stations in places still lacking monitoring.
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