Public environmental management. Selective collect. Sustainability indicator.Abstract
This paper presents an application proposed a method of indicators to evaluate the municipal program of selective collection in the municipality of San Gabriel, which started in 2015. This program is based on the law of the National Solid Waste Policy which now obligation for the public to perform the management of waste collection. It has the prospect of identifying the levels of economic, environmental and health based on the concepts of integrated and shared management, established in Brazil as a public policy model of solid waste. Analyzes the municipal selective collection program, which is developed in partnership with a collectors association. It is considered that the selective collection program evaluation studies are lacking and there is a lack of validated indicators for this assessment. For data collection was used a literature review, document concerning the issue and interviews with qualified agents who work in this sector. This research put on the agenda the importance of using sustainability indicators for selective collection programs and collectors' organization assisting the program monitoring, proposing goals and management alternatives at the prospect of making more sustainable waste collection activity.Downloads
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