
  • Maria de Souza Custodio Universidade de São Paulo
  • Rosmeri Porfirio da Rocha Universidade de São Paulo
  • Tercio Ambrizzi Universidade de São Paulo
  • Pier Luigi Vidale



Amazon. Climatology. Climatic models. Precipitation. Temperature.


This study analyzed the high resolution coupled and atmospheric global models of HiGEM/UJCC project (version 1.2) with different horizontal resolutions over Amazon region (South America). The purpose of this study was to understand the impact of the horizontal resolution of coupled models in simulating atmospheric patterns and processes of interaction between spatial scales over Amazon region. Therefore, we used simulations from HadGEM, HiGEM (coupled), HadGAM, HiGEM (uncoupled), and also observed data from different reanalyzes, with different spatial horizontal resolution (CMAP, CRU, GPCP, NCEP, CPC, ERA-Interim). The precipitation and temperature seasonal patterns and annual cycles were compared with observed data, and some measures of dispersion for the annual cycles were analyzed. To study the annual cycle we considered two subdomains in this region: AMN (North Amazon) and AMN (Amazon). The results indicated that the grid refinement and ocean-atmosphere coupling contributes to a better representation of seasonal patterns, both precipitation and temperature, on the Amazon region. Besides, the climatic models analyzed represent better than other models (regional and global) the climatic characteristics of this region. This indicates a breakthrough in the development of high resolution climate models.


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How to Cite

Custodio, M. de S., Rocha, R. P. da, Ambrizzi, T., & Vidale, P. L. (2016). ASSESSMENT OF CLIMATOLOGY FROM AMAZON REGION IN HIGEM FAMILY MODELS. Ciência E Natura, 38(2), 1054–1063.




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