Asymptotic homogenization of a problem for a wave equation on a microperiodic medium




Wave equation, Formal asymptotic solution, Asymptotic homogenization method


The asymptotic homogenization method is a mathematical technique that allows studying the physical properties of a microheterogeneous, periodic medium characterized by rapidly oscillating coefficients through a homogeneous medium that is asymptotically equivalent to the micro-heterogeneous medium. The method involves constructing a two-scale formal asymptotic solution of the original problem, and by applying mathematical formalism, a problem is formulated over a homogenized medium known as the homogenized problem. Utilizing maximum principles, it is proven that the solution to the homogenized problem is an asymptotic expansion of the solution to the original problem. This work aims to apply this method to a problem for a hyperbolic equation and demonstrate the proximity between the solutions.


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Author Biographies

Douglas Machado da Silva, Universidade Federal de Pelotas

Holds a degree in Mathematics Degree - Daytime from the Federal University of Pelotas (2021). He is currently a master's student in Mathematical Modeling at the Federal University of Pelotas.

Leslie Darien Pérez-Fernández, Universidade Federal de Pelotas

Has a bachelor's degree in Mathematics from the University of Havana (2001), a master's degree in Mathematics from the University of Havana (2006), and a PhD in Mathematics from the Institute of Cybernetics, Mathematics, and Physics (2010 - recognized by the National Commission of Scientific Degrees of Cuba). I received the Annual Prize from the Cuban Academy of Sciences for Scientific Research Results in 2017 (as a collaborator), 2009 (as the main author), and 2006 (as a co-author), as well as the Prize from the Nuclear Energy and Advanced Technologies Agency of the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Environment of Cuba for Outstanding Scientific-Technical Results in 2010 and 2008. Since March 2013, I have been a professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the Institute of Physics and Mathematics at the Federal University of Pelotas (DME-IFM-UFPel), and since July 2015, I have been a permanent faculty member of the Graduate Program in Mathematical Modeling (PPGMMat-IFM-UFPel). I am a member of research groups in Optimization, Control, and Nonlinear Analysis (UFPel), Computational Mechanics and Numerical Methods (UFS - Federal University of Sergipe), and Mathematical and Computational Modeling in the Mechanics of Continuous Media (UFF - Federal Fluminense University). My interests lie in the modeling and simulation of multiscale physical and biological phenomena and related mathematical methods, mainly asymptotic and variational homogenization methods

Alexandre Molter, Universidade Federal de Pelotas

Has a bachelor's degree in Mathematics Education from the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos (2001), a master's degree in Mathematical Modeling from the Regional University of the Northwestern State of Rio Grande do Sul (2004), a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2008), and completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2009). Currently, I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics at the Federal University of Pelotas. My expertise lies in the field of Mathematics, with a focus on Mathematical Modeling, primarily working on topics such as dynamical systems, control, and optimization

Julián Bravo-Castillero, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Dr. Julián Bravo Castillero is a Research Professor at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, at the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Systems Research, in its academic unit in the state of Yucatán, Mexico, located in Mérida, Yucatán. He was a Full Professor and Research Professor at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Havana, Cuba, and one of the leaders of the Solid Mechanics Group at that institution. His research is related to the development of mathematical homogenization methods and their applications, primarily in determining effective laws for composite materials and wave propagation in heterogeneous structures for the mathematical modeling of new materials, bone biomechanics, transport phenomena, sensors, and actuators, among others. Dr. Castillero has over thirty years of experience in this line of research and has published over 140 scientific articles in high-impact specialized journals. He is a co-author of six papers awarded by the Cuban Academy of Sciences in 1996, 2002, 2006, 2009, 2013, and 2017, and in 2007, he received the Pablo Miquel Merino National Mathematics Prize, awarded by the Cuban Society of Mathematics and Computer Science. In 2014 and 2015, he received the University of Havana Rector's Prize for co-authoring results of major significance and originality. He has conducted teaching and research internships at various institutions in Germany, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Spain, France, and Mexico. Currently, he is a member of the National Researchers System (level 2) of CONACYT, Mexico.


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How to Cite

Silva, D. M. da, Pérez-Fernández, L. D., Molter, A., & Bravo-Castillero, J. (2024). Asymptotic homogenization of a problem for a wave equation on a microperiodic medium. Ciência E Natura, 46(esp. 1), e87229.



Special Edition 1