Correlation and path analysis in wheat traits
Triticum aestivum L., Uniformity trials, Linear relationAbstract
The objective of this work was to verify if there are linear relations between wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) traits obtained through measurement, counting, and weighing. In 17 uniformity trials, 630, 630, 100, 100, and 330 wheat plants of the cultivars TBIO Energia I, TBIO Energia II, TBIO Sossego, TBIO Toruk, and TBIO Audaz were randomly harvested, respectively. In these 1790 plants, traits were evaluated through measurement: main stem length and main stem ear length; count: numbers of leaves, stems, and ears; and weighing: fresh and dry matter of leaves, stems, ears, and shoots. The linear relations between these 13 traits were investigated through correlation and path analyses. There are linear relations between wheat traits, obtained through measurement, counting, and weighing. The number of ears per plant has a positive linear relation with the amounts of fresh and dry matter in shoots. The fact that there is no need to destroy the plants to count the ears makes it possible to select plants aiming at increasing the fresh and dry matter of shoots, keeping them in the field.
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