Calibration of the Priestley-Taylor parameter to estimate evapotranspiration in rice paddy areas




Evapotranspiration, Priestley-Taylor method, Rice paddy


Rice is one of the most important cereals in the world and requires a large amount of water due to flood irrigation cultivation. Estimation of evapotranspiration (ET) for rice paddy cropland by in situ measurements is still a limiting factor due to the high cost of equipment and specialized labor. The Penman-Monteith (PM) method is considered the most complete, but requires a large amount of information. The Priestley-Taylor method (PT) is a simplification of the PM method using a smaller number of environmental variables and the energy available in the ecosystem. Several papers in the literature have presented calibrations for the α-coefficient of PT. However, these calibrations must be performed according to the climatic and surface characteristics of each region. Therefore, the aim of this work is to propose a calibration of the PT coefficient for ET estimates in rice paddy areas, using a simpler method. For this purpose, two experimental sites in southern Brazil were used. The simulated results were compared with data obtained using the Eddy Covariance technique (EC). The α-parameter of 1.22 proved to be efficient for ET estimations in rice paddy areas.


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Author Biographies

Vanessa de Arruda Souza, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Meteorologist, PhD in Remote Sensing

Tamíres Zimmer, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Physics, PhD in Physics

Anderson Luis Ruhoff, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

Geographer, PhD in Water Resources

Jônatan Dupont Tatsch, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Meteorologist, Doctor of Meteorology

Michel Baptistella Stefanello, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Physicist, PhD in Physics

Gustavo Pujol Veeck, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Physicist, Master in Physics

Débora Regina Roberti, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Physics, PhD in Physics

Virnei Silva Moreira, Federal University of Paraná

Physics, PhD in Physics

Luis Gustavo de Gonçalves, Euro-Mediterranean Center for Climate Change

Meteorologist, PhD in Hydrology and Water Resources

Rita de Cássia Marques Alves, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

Meteorologist, PhD in Meteorology


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How to Cite

Souza, V. de A., Zimmer, T., Ruhoff, A. L., Tatsch, J. D., Stefanello, M. B., Veeck, G. P., Roberti, D. R., Moreira, V. S., Gonçalves, L. G. de, & Alves, R. de C. M. (2023). Calibration of the Priestley-Taylor parameter to estimate evapotranspiration in rice paddy areas. Ciência E Natura, 45(esp. 2), e79096.

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