Computational model verification and numerical analysis of plate buckling due to combined loading




Elasto-plastic buckling, Thin steel plates, Structural numerical simulation


Thin plates are structures widely used in different industries, due to their mechanical properties. They are often subjected to combined loading, which can cause an undesired phenomenon called buckling. In this sense, the present work analyzes the elasto-plastic buckling behavior of thin steel plates that are simply supported and subjected to in-plane uniaxial or biaxial compression combined with lateral pressure. To obtain the ultimate stress of the plates, a computational model was developed using the finite element method. Initially, the computational model was verified through previous numerical results from the literature. Then, a case study was carried out considering a rectangular plate geometry with an aspect ratio of b/a = 0.5 (where a and b are the length and width of the plate, respectively), under biaxial compression and varying the lateral loading from 0 to 0.152 MPa, aiming to analyze its elasto-plastic buckling behavior. The results indicated that the computational model was adequately verified. From the case study, it was inferred that the load step plays an important role in the numerical prediction accuracy of the elasto-plastic buckling mechanical behavior of plates In addition, the application of initial imperfection for small lateral pressures has little influence on ultimate stress, while for larger lateral pressures it does not generate influence.


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Author Biographies

Guilherme Ribeiro Baumgardt, Federal University of Rio Grande

Graduate Student, MSc

Mauro de Vasconcellos Real, Federal University of Rio Grande

Professor, Doctor

Paulo Roberto de Freitas Teixeira, Federal University of Rio Grande


Elizaldo Domingues dos Santos, Federal University of Rio Grande

Associate Professor/Doctor

Thiago da Silveira, Federal University of Pampa


Liércio André Isoldi, Federal University of Rio Grande



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How to Cite

Baumgardt, G. R., Real, M. de V., Teixeira, P. R. de F., Santos, E. D. dos, Silveira, T. da, & Isoldi, L. A. (2023). Computational model verification and numerical analysis of plate buckling due to combined loading. Ciência E Natura, 45(esp. 3), e75137.

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