Numerical evaluation of the earth-air heat exchanger thermal performance in a social housing in brazilian bioclimate zones ZB 3 and ZB 4
Numerical simulation, EnergyPlus™, Solar orientationAbstract
The Earth-Air Heat Exchanger (EAHE) is a device where the external ambient air is cooled or heated when circulating inside ducts buried in the soil, which can bring benefits in the sense of reducing energy consumption and providing thermal comfort conditions. This system has been employed in several countries and different climatic contexts, however, little explored in Brazil. The use of this technology in conjunction with bioclimatic strategies favors buildings, increasing their efficiency. This study aims to evaluate the thermal performance of an EAHE together with optimization parameters of the building envelope, in two Brazilian bioclimatic zones and to propose strategies that enhance energy efficiency in buildings. The study consists of the validation and verification of a computational model and in the thermal evaluations of a Social Housing (SH), in which characteristics of solar orientation, thermal envelope, and the installation of an EAHE will be modified, combined, and investigated in proposed models. These evaluations were carried out through dynamic simulation with the EnergyPlus™ software. The results showed that the installation of an EAHE in SH brings improvements in the thermal performance of environments, thus contributing that future projects can rely on validated references and parameters.
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