Water quality of the Urupá river related to land use and cover, central region of Rondônia, Brazil





Hydrographic basin of Machado River, Territorial planning, Western Amazon


The state of Rondônia underwent transformations that boosted the growth of agricultural and industrial activities, as well as cities. However, the lack of management plans compatible with the current production context and the low sanitation coverage put the existing natural resources at risk, given the lack of planning. In this context, the objective was to evaluate the water quality of the Urupá River and the relationship with the use and land cover in its basin. For this purpose, from May/2018 to April/2019, bimonthly collections were carried out at 10 sampling points on the Urupá River, from its source to its mouth in the municipalities of Mirante da Serra, Urupá and Ji-Paraná, with analyzes of the physical- chemical, microbiological and the determination of WQI in periods of drought (May to October), rains (November to April), as well as the evaluation of land use and cover through geoprocessing tools. Along the longitudinal profile of the river, throughout the study, the regular class WQI predominated, with contrast in the dry season for the bad and good classes, at P5 and P10, respectively. The poor quality of the water between points P4 to P5 in the dry period reveals that the deterioration of the water is due to punctual sources of pollution, the presence of waste and/or effluents from activities inherent to the urban area, agro-industries existing in the area drainage, allied to soil susceptibility. The results draw attention to the need to adopt measures for ordering activities compatible with the support capacity of the basin.


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Author Biographies

Edilene da Silva Pereira, Federal Institute of Rondônia

Professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rondônia (IFRO) in the area of ​​Environmental Management. PhD student in Agricultural Engineering (PGEAGRI) at the State University of Western Paraná (UNIOESTE), Campus Cascavel. Master by the Graduate Program in Environmental Sciences (PGCA) at the Federal University of Rondônia (UNIR) in partnership with the Agroforestry Research Center of Rondônia (EMBRAPA-RO). Environmental Engineer and Administrator by UNIR, by the respective Campus Ji-Paraná and Cacoal, with specialization in Sanitary and Environmental Engineering by Faculdade Panamericana de Ji-Paraná (UNIJIPA).



Nairo Rafael da Silva, Federal University of Rondônia

Degree in Environmental Engineering from the Federal University of Rondônia.

Alberto Dresch Webler, Federal University of Rondônia

Graduated in Environmental Engineering from the Federal University of Rondônia, Master and Doctor in Civil Engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (COPPE/UFRJ) and, with a sandwich period, at the University of Porto (Portugal). He is currently an Adjunct Professor at the Department of Environmental Engineering at the Federal University of Rondônia (UNIR). He is deputy leader of the Environmental Engineering Research Group at UNIR. Coordinator of the Sanitation and Physical-Chemistry laboratories of the Department of Environmental Engineering. Regional Coordinator of the LBA Program in Rondônia. He has experience in Environmental Engineering, with emphasis on Environmental Engineering, working mainly in effluent treatment, advanced biological processes for effluent treatment, advanced oxidation, industrial and recalcitrant effluents, and energy balance in pasture and forest areas.

Fernanda Bay Hurtado, Federal University of Rondônia

Bachelor's and Licensed Chemistry;

Master in Applied Chemistry in the area of concentration in Environmental Chemistry;

PhD in Experimental Biology concentration area Chemistry of Natural Products.


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How to Cite

Pereira, E. da S., Silva, N. R. da, Webler, A. D., & Hurtado, F. B. (2023). Water quality of the Urupá river related to land use and cover, central region of Rondônia, Brazil. Ciência E Natura, 45, e27. https://doi.org/10.5902/2179460X73865

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