Sensible heat. Latent heat. Amazon. Climate interactions. Hydrological cycle.Abstract
The changes mainly occurred in the hydrological cycle are associated with anthropogenic changes. In Brazil are already seen possible changes in the southwestern region that has suffered from water scarcity in their reservoirs. Understanding the Bowen ratio in the Amazon region becomes important to try to understand this ecosystem, since such information connect regional climate change. The latent heat fluxes were analyzed (λE) and sensible heat (H) in REBIO Jaru to determine the reason for Bowen and seek possible climate interactions in humid, wetdry, dry, dry-wet periods in 2009. The results observed in these periods in the Bowen ratio were 0:21; 0:24; 0:30; 0:21, and show that the forest little changes with seasonality during the year unlike the transition of biomes (Amazon - cerrado) and pasture area.
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