Use of multivariate statistics to analyze physical-chemical factors in sludge from a water treatment plant in Rio Grande do Sul
Water treatment, Sludge, Multivariate statistical analysisAbstract
The large population advance in urban centers, demand an increase in essential services for human life, one of them being the basic sanitation. This paper investigates the variations in quality of solid waste generated in a water treatment plant (WTP) belonging to the Sanitation Company Riograndense (CORSAN). Using data from daily analyses performed in the periods between January 2015 and December 2019, non-parametric multivariate statistical techniques were applied in order to determine which are the main physicochemical factors that characterize the quality of the residualsludge. The variables researched were: turbidity, pH, dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand, lead, iron, manganese, aluminum, and hardness. The results showed high correlations between: iron and pH, oxygen and pH, biochemical oxygen demand, and ironand dissolved oxygen and biochemical oxygen demand. They also verified that manganese does not interfere considerably in the sludge generated. The evaluation of the quality of the sludge from water treatment through predetermined physical-chemical parameters makes it possible to infer, for example, how the amount of aluminum sulfate coagulant applied for treatment can substantially influence the level of aluminum present in drinking water as well as in the sludge produced.
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- 2022-07-14 (2)
- 2021-11-08 (1)
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