Growth analysis of Gymnanthes Klotzschiana Müll.Arg. in different sociological positions and soil water conditions
Dendrochronology, Water level, Sociological position, Precipitation, TemperatureAbstract
The aim of this study was to determine and correlate climatic data and increment of Gymnanthes klotzschiana in different sociological positions and soil water saturation conditions. Samples were collected from 116 trees in a fragment of Alluvial Araucaria Mixed Forest using a Pressler auger (5 mm in diameter). The sampling material was fixed in channels and polished with sandpaper of different weights. The increment data were obtained and correlated with climatic variables and compared with the use of a completely randomized design in a factorial arrangement. Factor 1 considered the three piezometric levels (high, medium and low) and factor 2 the two sociological positions (canopy and understory). The results of the analysis indicated that the increment for G. klotzschiana ranged from 1.20 mm.year-1 in the understory, at low piezometric level, to 1.99 mm.year-1 in the canopy, at high piezometric level. These results were correlated with temperature and precipitation data and a negative correlation was found between growth and the sum of precipitation for trees located at a high piezometric level; and the smallest increment values were registered for the trees that were located in a sociological position of understory and at a high piezometric level.Downloads
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- 2022-04-25 (2)
- 2021-06-30 (1)
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