Análise da Viabilidade de Aplicação de Imagem Obtida a Partir de Videografia Multiespectral para Mapeamentos Florestais


  • Luciano Farinha Watzlawick Unicentro



videografia multiespectral, processamento digital, mapeamentos florestais.


The objective of present paper was to test the applicability of imagesobtained from multispectrtal videograph for digital processing aiming at forestareas mapping. It was used SONY CANCORDER HANDYCANN (8mm) videoequipped with special filters green (550 nm), red (650 nm) and infrared (720 nm)during the flight to take images. The images were arranged in mosaic andgeometrically corrected and then digitally classified. As a result of digitalclassification it was obtained the following themes: native forest, grass, grasstree,brushwood, soil, agriculture and building. With reached results in theclassification it is possible to conclude that the use of multispectral videoimages for forest mapping is feasible. The video cameras represent one morenon-conventional sensor to obtain images for processing in remote sensing.


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Author Biography

Luciano Farinha Watzlawick, Unicentro



How to Cite

Watzlawick, L. F. (2004). Análise da Viabilidade de Aplicação de Imagem Obtida a Partir de Videografia Multiespectral para Mapeamentos Florestais. Ciência E Natura, 26(1), 05–17.

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