Mathematical model of above-ground thermal energy storage rates in a central Amazonian rainforest
Amazonia rainforest, Energy Storage, Heat fluxAbstract
The total above-ground thermal energy storage rate (S) over an area of a “terra firme” forest site in central Amazonia, Brazil, were estimated through of the direct measurements of heat flux componentes (S Obs) as well as through methodologies proposed by Michiles (2009), in which numerical analysis (S Num) and simple harmonic functions (S Mod) were applied, this last one, due to heterogeneity and biodiversity of the Amazon rainforest, of difficulties and errors related with measurement, a limited range of data were used. Were determined, during dry season of 2003, a set of forest information and meteorological variables measured through systems installed in a micrometeorological tower, assembled at Reserva Biológica do Cuieiras. In this period, days without rainfall and with little atmospheric disturbances were selected. In the daily average maximum behavior, S Obs showed the highest magnitudes, reaching up to 200 W m-2, while S Mod and S Num remained with lower values, about 62 and 108 W m-2, respectively. About 5 and 6 pm (local time), the energy release process was started, with all rates becoming negative and the daily average minimum behavior reached values between -45 and -67 W m-2.
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