The "Magic or Science" activity of the event Portas Abertas 2018: an analysis of the questions asked by visitors
Experimentation, Investigative, InformativeAbstract
This article aims to perform a qualitative analysis on the questions produced by the visitors of the activity "Magic or Science?" of event Portas Abertas offered by a Brazilian public university. In event Portas Abertas of 2018, six experiments were presented to more than 100 visitors who interacted with the moderators through questions about practices. Therefore, the objective of this article is to analyze the character and the demand of the questions asked by the visitors of the activity and to classify them according to the components of the scientific explanation proposed in the literature. The questions produced were recorded with a voice recorder and in the researchers' field diaries. In general, there was a predominance of informative questions belonging to the subcategories of description and causal explanation, however it is highlighted that there was a satisfactory number of investigative questions of prediction. The questions classified with the investigative character and demand of the prediction type need a future action to be answered, that is, they favor the investigation on the scientific knowledge involved in the studied phenomenon.
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