Geometries and space positioning of ancient scars from landslides on slopes at the headwaters of the Mãe Luzia River, Treviso - Santa Catarina, Brazil
Landslides, Georeferencing, OrthorectificationAbstract
The occurrence of landslides can result in negative consequences for the ecosystems and society. On the understanding of these events, aerial photographs constitute an important collection for multitemporal investigations, making it possible to obtain the accuracy of surface coordinates, since they are georeferenced and orthorectified. The main objective of this work is to georeferentiate and orthorectify aerial photographs and to make comparisons in the calibration of geometries and positioning of old scars of landslides on slopes. The study area is a detail of 94 ha (0.94 km²) of the headwaters of the Mãe Luzia River, municipality of Treviso (SC), site with landslide records in 1978. To reach the scope, the georeferencing and feature editions were performed with geoprocessing software and orthorectification with the Digital Photogrammetric Station of the E-Foto project. The total area of scars obtained in the first polynomial order was 5 hectares, in the second order 4.98, in the third order 5.14 and, after orthorectification, 5.51 hectares. The altimetric variation produced greater distortions between sites of depressed topography, after orthorectification, there was a geometric correction of the edited polygons, notably in the bottom of the valleys. It is concluded that it is important not only to georeferentiate, but also to orthorectify old photographs, which have a great amount of valuable information of the past landscape.
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