Evaluation of factors of vulnerability to infection of AIDS in patients residing in the municipality of Santa Maria, RS
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, Epidemiological profile, Multiple correspondence analysisAbstract
AIDS is causes concern to society and has been a challenge for health authorities, as it affects an increasing number of people, many of whom become chronically ill, who need government assistance for its treatment, thus becoming a major public health problem. This work aims to understand the epidemiological profile of AIDS in Santa Maria and present the Multiple Correspondence Analysis as an exploratory data tool. A descriptive study was carried out, which relates the number of people notified with AIDS to the region of residence in Santa Maria, using a multivariate technique. We analyzed 893 cases of AIDS reported in Santa Maria of 2007 to 2013. When the multiple correspondence maps were evaluated, there was a relationship between the number of women and the southern region of the municipality, whereas men are related to the eastern region. It was also observed that there is a relationship between the mode of transmission: women sexual intercourse with men and men sexual intercourse with women and bisexual. The multiple correspondence analysis technique provided the verification of several relationships between socio-demographic variables and vulnerability factors.
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