Comparison and mapping of municipal groups in the state of Rio Grande do Sul based on socioeconomic indicators
Cluster analysis, Group comparison, Thematic maps, Regional groupsAbstract
Understanding how particular regions behave and / or resemble socioeconomic aspects can contribute to regional development. Thus, this paper aims to identify similarities of socio-spatial behavior existing among the municipalities of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, based on census data, and to evaluate the changes that have occurred over the years. For this, a cluster analysis of the municipalities was performed before some indicators. With the clusters was verified the existence of difference in the behavior between the groups through non-parametric tests and thematic maps were created that bring the behavior of the regions in a spatial way. Five clusters of municipalities were detected in 1991 and four clusters in the years 2000 and 2010. It is also noticeable the socio-spatial development over the years. However in 2010 is when the greatest evolution occurs for most municipalities. From the generated clusters it is possible to outline public policy strategies and further prioritize the measures that should be taken by the competent bodies in each of the regions studied.
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